Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Naughty Bits

I was in my beloved San Francisco last weekend, taking the boy on a Muni ride. He doesn't really care where we go, just as long as we're on some form of light rail. I don't really care either, just as long as I have hand sanitizer.

So we're on the N-Judah rolling through the Castro when we pass Out of the Closet. For the uninitiated, OotC is a thrift store operated by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. They describe themselves as "the world's most fabulous thrift store." There in the OotC display window was a fabulous display of racy and risqué apparal for the sexed-up set. You know, assless chaps, leather bindings, and, the most eye-catching male mannequin leaning back, hips thrust out and wearing only a sutdded leather thong (and me without my camera).

Now, I'm all for consenting adults to get into any sort of kinky mischief they want to. It beats the hell out of violence and hatred. And I don't even care that my 5 year old boy rolled past this window display. He didn't even see it and if he had it would have been meaningless to him. No, the thing that really gave me creepy heebie jeebies is the idea that somebody out there may be willing to purchase used thongs and chaps from a thrift store.

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