Saturday, February 16, 2008


A few years ago, I was sent to Japan on business. You might think "Cool! Free trip to Japan" Many folks would. I'm not one of those people.

See, I'm a bit of a curmudgeon. Not only that, I'm a picky eater with lowbrow tastes. It's the culinary analog to stagflation, rare but not unheard of. Worse yet, I don't eat any seafood. And I mean any seafod. If it lived in water, I won't eat it. Japan, being comprised entirely of islands, is a place where whole fish are in the breakfast buffet. So it might not surprise you that I didn't take to the cuisine.

I recorded the experience in an email to my family.


Unknown said...

Your link isn't working!! It gives me an error about having Windows... I'm on a mac, silly!

Stuart said...

Sorry. It's fixed now.

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